Crystal Grids

9:37 PM

Tonight I did my very first remote crystal healing session on a client, inclusive of a crystal grid. To go more into detail you are basically aligning crystals to set points with an intention of whatever energy you would like to send.

Crystals are very powerful and wonderful tools for this, as the energy that is transmitted from them can find the person that you wish to send the healing to, you do not have to be in the same room, nearby, in the same state, or even in the same country. You can also set up crystal grids for yourself.

When you set up a crystal grid, you set an intention for the grid and can create whatever you would like in terms of energy, be it for spirituality, healing, manifestation, abundance, and the list goes on. The purpose or goal for your grid is endless.

I enjoy using my organite pyramid, as it has a point to direct the energy up into the universe, but you can use any stone in the center of your grid. If you do not have a crystal point of any kind, that is totally fine -- use what you have to work with and as long as you set the intention for your grid, you will be fine.

You may also use a grid cloth or piece of paper to help guide you in creating your crystal grid, although I prefer the natural approach. There are many beautiful designs out there for grids, but it is definitely not necessary.

The main things to do here before you create your grid is cleanse your space and crystals. You can do this in a variety of ways by burning sage or palo santo, incense, using sage spray (definitely a good idea if you have young kids in the home), or using sound healing to cleanse the area. 

The benefits of sound healing are that the sound permeates through the whole area including through objects, the only warning with that is to be careful as it will vibrate your crystals which if the vibrations are strong enough, can damage your crystals.

After you're done cleansing your space and your crystals, write your intention on a piece of paper and place in the center of your grid. Then state said intention aloud, or visualize it in your mind.

Set up the surrounding stones moving in a clockwise motion from the outside to the center. Visualize your intention as you work your way towards the center of your grid, and place the final center crystal on top of your written intention.

Last but not least, activate your grid with a crystal point (I usually use quartz) and draw invisible lines starting from the outside of your grid like you are connecting the dots and work your way towards the center. Once your crystal grid is finished you can add candles, other healing crystals, or energy tools around your grid.

Please let me know how your grid turned out and feel free to share your ideas or pictures in the comments.

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