Kids and Astrology

11:26 AM

I remember when my son was born, and one of the nurses told me that he had quite a personality, especially when he was hungry. She told me he had quite the temper, even at two days old. Every child is born with a personality and every child is different. Some are more vocal than others, stubborn, needy, moody, and the list goes on.

What intrigued me the most when having my son was wondering what he would be like when his personality really started to form as he grew older, so I decided to look into Astrology and look at his astrological natal chart.

What I found when I looked up the natal chart of my son was that he had his Sun in Taurus (loves to eat A LOT), Ascendant in Scorpio (powerful), Moon in Virgo (needs routine), Mercury in Aries (argumentative and a leadership mentality), Mars in Capricorn (stubborn), Venus in Gemini (social and curious),  and the list goes on.

When I looked up our synastry I was even more intrigued. Our Moons are in a compatible aspect, which will mean that we will have good emotional rapport with one another. My son will most likely feel very comfortable communicating with me, asking me those difficult questions, and may even share my love that foodie mentality that I have. He loves to eat at the present moment, so right now we are pretty spot on with that!

Point is, synastry can explain a lot when it comes to parenting, and can give you a lot of insight on why your kids tantrums are the way they are. For example, my son is stubborn, vocalizes his frustration with me, kicks, hits, and has instant meltdowns when you take something away. A lot of that has to do with his placements like I mentioned above. Aspects go into that too, but baby steps here! (See what I did there? 😏)

When my son has tantrums the best remedy I have found so far, is to communicate with him even if he doesn't understand much. I let him know it is okay to not agree with me, I talk to him and explain why -- he doesn't understand at this point since he is still a young toddler, but the point here is I am opening that communication with him, which fuels his Venus placement. I am showing him love in an area he will appreciate, even when he is not very loving. For me love is always the answer, especially when kids are run by their emotions.

Granted this won't necessarily work with every single kid, as it shouldn't. Every child is different and has different traits. Some children respond better to time out, some letting them just let it all out, -- keeping calm and not giving attention to the behavior, and so on. That is where synastry comes in, as does finding out your child's natal chart.

For me astrology has given me a sneak peek into parenting and what it will be like for me as my son grows older, which so far has proven to be eerily accurate by the way.

If you wish to get your own astrological reports for synastry or an astrological natal chart, definitely check out my page for the services I offer, and the rates for what you are looking for

Happy parenting!

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